
From Church Leaders


Zove started almost 14 years ago

[Source - Bishop Dinis Sengulane September 2012]

Bishop Dinis
Bishop Dinis Sengulane, the Bishop of Lebombo, Mozambique.

In order to measure the impact of Zove in the surrounding villages I paid a leisurely visit from 10 to 13 September

Inhamicombe 30 km east of Zove was created as a Congregation as result of the Mothers’ Union response to an address given last year at their annual Conference about the importance of registering children. Back in Zove they got in touch with the government registry and they summoned 1550 children to be registered, with 350 in Inhamicombe. A school was established and now they are busy building the church, where 50 people were baptized and 20 confirmed during my first visit. If these children were not registered is as if they do not exist, so the registration of 1900 children means that education, health, water, agriculture and other aspect of life are now taken into consideration for them.

Water supply, building a Church at Marupanhe and Inhamicombe, a motorbike for the newly placed deacon in Muxungwe, Jacinto Cumbe and means for food security are the major challenges to be met as we see the Church growing numerical and also in its influence in society and consequently calling for a stronger presence of the leadership in the Congregations.

God has always a plan for His children and it is wise to seek to understand God’s agenda in all events in our lives – this was Berta’s strong conviction. We can see that God’s agenda connected with the accident in Zove is no exception.

In Christ
+Dinis Lebombo