
Reps Circular



From Sheenagh Burrell, ALMA Communications Officer T: Tuesdays: 020 7932 1231

Dear ALMA Reps and Friends,

ALMA doesn’t seem to have slowed down for August and the need for us keep praying has been reinforced by recent news: In Niassa there has been great shock at the sudden death of Mr Oscar Hamsine, Director of Evangelism in Niassa, whose funeral took place on 19th August. Bishop Mark writes ‘Please pray for Oscar's family and our diocesan family at this tragic turn of events. It has come as a great shock to all of us’. Father Joao Lucaiano, also from Niassa has needed emergency surgery in Malawi and in London John Tasker’s mother has died. Bishop André writes movingly of her warmth of character and the welcome she always gave him.

Mike Clark with Medal
Mike Clark with his St Mellitus Medal

There are joys too: In Lebombo Josephine Mutemba is making progress and so is Bishop Dinis’ mother whom Josephine has recently visited. In London we were delighted that Revd Mike Clark has been awarded the St Mellitus Medal for his long service to ALMA and the TEE project in Angola. We wish Mike well in his post Task Group Life as he continues to translate the TEE programme and run a very busy parish. He will be greatly missed.

This mailing contains:

  1. Diary Dates
  2. News from our Partners
  3. London News

1. Diary Dates

1-14 September Revd Ann Clarridge returns to Niassa

10-21 September St Peter’s Notting Hill visit Homoine, Lebombo

Monday 14 September: The Diocese of Angola’s sixth birthday

Bishop Mark and Revd Helen Van Koevering will be in London for some parts of September although they are on leave too! We have a provisional date Tuesday 15 September 6-8. ALMA Reps’ gathering with Bishop Mark. Unfortunately there are no free rooms at Diocesan house so please keep an eye on the website for details of the venue. If your church is near public transport, in the centre of London and you would like to host this gathering please get in touch with me. I will not be in the office next Tuesday but can access my ALMA email address.

Saturday 19 September MANNA AGM with Bishop Mark at St John’s Waterloo starting with a midday Eucharist. All Welcome.

Saturday 19 - Sunday 20 September St Paul’s Old Ford (St Stephen’s Rd, London E3  5JL) is taking part in Open House London Weekend. This is a stunning church, linked with a Lichinga, and they will be showcasing the ALMA link during the open weekend. This will include ‘Music Man’ a Swords into Ploughshares sculpture from Maputo. The weekend will conclude on Sunday 20 September 6pm  ‘African Praise’ service with an Angola Choir.Do come and support the Luisas and Revd Muanga as they participate.

Mon 19 October: ALMA REPS MEETING at Diocesan House 5.45 for light refreshments, meeting from 6-8pm. More details to follow.

2. News from our Partners

a) Angola

1.Father Nunes, our Angola Link Officer, shares the vision of the Diocese of Angola to expand into all of the provinces in Angola. ‘Therefore, your prayers are needed on behalf of Growing the church team. By the end of the year our dream is to plant the church in Mbanza Kongo and Kuando Kubango respectively’.

There has been a selection process with the Catechists trained through the Ministry and Mission Programme and some will be ordained by the end of this year to help with the very heavy load of the Priests who run three or four parishes. ‘Your prayers are needed for those God has chosen for his ministry’.

The 14th September will be a joyous day as the Diocese of Angola celebrates its sixth birthday. Father Nunes will be able to share this with us in person when he travels to the UK in November.

2. John has sent two articles which remind us that the impact of the global recession is keenly felt in our partner dioceses too – affecting projects and budgets. In Angola inflation quickened to 13.97%.

In addition the Angolan Kwanza slides as Angola central bank protects foreign reserves.

3. Christian Aid have also shared news from Luis Samcumbi their partner in Angola (whom many of us met in December 2007) who found the situation in Luanda alarming on his return from a time in America. He particularly asked for prayer about the increasing violence on the streets.

b) Lebombo

1. Josephine Mutemba, our Lebombo Link Officer, shares news of the ALMA Day Celebration

ALMA Day celebration was held in different districts of the Diocese, in Maputo, the two districts (Maputo and Umbeluzi) met together in the Parish of St. Cyprian on 12 July 2009, at 14:00 hours. It was a moment of praying, singing the ALMA Prayer and songs based on Psalm 23, composed by parishes. Fr. Jose Chamuce (ALMA President in Lebombo) explained the significance of ALMA, emphasising on the issues of the mutual benefit stated in the agreements signed between the four Dioceses, whose fruits are enthusiastically seen in our various parishes. Bishop Dinis also added giving certain examples of the visible signs in the field of health, education, child welfare, water supply, church infrastructures, and the fact that partnership cost life as well.

Church of the Saviour Xai Xai
The Church of the Saviour of the World, Xai Xai

2. Josephine also visited the Church of the Saviour of the World in order to greet the priest and see their building work. The Venerable Ernesto Jossias Sengulane was conducting a retreat of the District St. Bernard Mizeki’s Guild in preparation for the Diocesan Conference of that group, to be held in Maputo this coming weekend. The church building is very big, it is being well constructed but with local effort it will take long to be completed. It has only walls and roof; paving of the floor, plastering, doors, some windows and glasses, painting, electricity installation are not yet done

3. Visit to Lebombo: Liz Crichton and Helen Doery from St Peter’s Notting Hill are going to visit their link parish in Homoine, Lebombo, Mozambique. They will also be visiting St John’s Notting Hill’s link at Maxixe. They will be present at a parish celebration (patronal festival) at St Mary, Chambone, Maxixe on Sunday 13 September and will be visiting Santa Monica Homoine on Sunday 20 September.

c) Niassa

1. Do pray, as Bishop Mark requested, for the families of Oscar Hamsine and Fr Joao Lucaiano. Remember the Van Koeverings away from Niassa at this time and with a busy programme alongside their leave.

2. Pray too for Revd Ann Clarridge as she returns to Niassa to travel and teach on health care as well as minister. She will spend some time in Mecanhelas in Cuamba with its many new congregations. Ann will also be travelling with Rosa Nyone of the MU and helping with the three day Mothers Union Conference.

3. News from London

With my best wishes,


Sheenagh Burrell ALMA Communications Officer Diocese of London
T: Tuesdays 020 7932 1231