Being an ALMA Rep
ALMA operates through representatives in parishes and schools. Some of the ways a Rep can make ALMA more meaningful and effective are listed here.
The essence of ALMA is relationships, and links between individual parishes, schools or other organisations are an important part of ALMA’s work.
There are lists of the existing links; and some help for those who are starting out to create a link or managing an existing link.
Visits to Partners
Since 1998, visits between Angola, London and Mozambique have increased considerably; and so too has our understanding of each other and the very different contexts and circumstances in which we minister. We have a record of the visits that have been made, with reports of many of them; and help and advice for parishes planning a visit.
Morning Prayer
Every Wednesday, ALMA holds a service of Morning Prayer via a video stream.
ALMA Sunday
Each year, ALMA celebrates its partners on ALMA Sunday, usually the Sunday nearest 12 July. There is often a special service in St Paul’s Cathedral, and parishes are encouraged to hold ALMA Sunday celebrations.
ALMA raises fund for various activities and projects.
Lent Appeals
As a direct response to London Challenge 2012, the Diocese of London has supported its ALMA partners for the five Lents from 2008 - 2012. There was further support in Lent 2017.
Advocacy is a key part of being in relationship with those whose lives are very different from our own. We can help by speaking up and taking action about issues which directly affect the quality of life of our partner dioceses.