
From Church Leaders


Progress Reports from Messumba

[Source: Niassa Diocese office - October 2007]

Messumba Cathedral Renovation Report

The maintenance of Messumba Cathedral started on the 10 August 2007 after signing the contract with the Contractor. As shown on the first picture, the main church hasn’t yet been touched. The wings have been completely demolished and rebuilt to fortify the foundation for the main church.

Messumba Cathedral
Messumba Cathedral
Messumba Cathedral
Messumba Cathedral
Messumba Cathedral

Messumba Clinic Buildings

The Messumba Clinic project started on the 30 July 2007. The project has been moving slowly due to lack of bricks which are expected to be available this week. As shown on the first picture, they are working on foundation slab for two buildings, maternity and outpatients ward.

Messumba Clinic
Messumba Clinic
Messumba Clinic
Messumba Clinic
Messumba Clinic