
Recent Site Changes


Recent additions and changes

(Click or tap on an entry to take you there)

7 July 2024

The ALMA Summer newsletter is now available via this site.

Read about the ALMA visit to Maputo for Bishop Carlos Matsinhe’s retirement service; the visit of Bishop Filomena Teta Estevao to London; and arrangements for ALMA Sunday on 21 July.

19 February 2024

The ALMA Spring newsletter is now available via this site.

It has Diary Dates, particularly our upcoming webinar with Bishop Filomena on Wednesday; updates from partner dioceses; updates from London including a resume of the ALMA Meeting in November; and some wider issues with links to articles of interest.

7 November 2023

The ALMA Autumn newsletter is now available via this site.

Read about the Reps Meeting and the webinars.