
Visit Report 2015


Report on ALMA Co-ordinator’s Visit to Mozambique June 2015
The Diocese of Niassa Strategic Review Wednesday-Friday 9-11 June

[Source: Sheenagh Burrell]

The main purpose of my visit, along with the other partners of the Diocese of Niassa, was to attend The Diocese of Niassa Strategic Review to finalise the Diocesan goals for 2016-2020.

The Diocese has produced a summary of its plan (PDF file1165Kb)

The attendees were:

Bishop Mark  
Suffragan Bishop Manuel  
Revd Helen Van Koevering Director of Ministry
Rebecca Vander Meulen Director of Mission
David Antonio Diocesan Secretary
The seven Archdeacons  
Mario Muromua Community Development Co-ordinator Zambezia
Jo Beale WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene programme in Zambezia)
Maria Mcambula Diocesan MU president
Esperanca Mazula Diocesan President for Bernard Mizeki brotherhood
Ricardo Mapeza Co-ordinator Salt Light and Health project -Lakeshore
Diocesan Board members which included priests like Claudia, and adeptos like Bola
Partners ALMA, Anglicord, ERD, Nets for Life, Tearfund, and World Renew. (Each partner gave a presentation on their ‘organisation’: purpose, goals, history, and involvement in Niassa. Partners who had not been able to attend were all mentioned in the conference)

The conference was co-ordinated by Jo and Rebecca with contributions by almost all of those present from the Diocese of Niassa: from introductions to presentations (context of Mozambique; Political landscape; History of Diocese; Where are we now; Vision; Growth) to translating, worship and prayer. A dynamic feature was the use of two projectors with dual language power points. Each person's presentation was translated so that it was possible at any time to look at one of the two screens and read in one's own language of comfort. This involved huge behind the scenes effort for the conference co-ordinators but contributed hugely to the success of the visuals and the conference.


I was struck again and again through the conference at how the way it was structured reflected the essence of 'umoja' (asset based community development) which characterises the Diocese of Niassa's approach to being church and to community development: by working with everyone, listening to people’s hopes, using and building on existing strengths, and honing skills in practical ways to develop capacity and confidence.

The review also provided opportunity for building relationships and networking as all tea breaks and meals were taken together in the dining hall at Kuchijinji, sometimes inside and sometimes out (when it was warm enough!)

The review began with a Eucharist at 7am, and after breakfast Bishop Mark welcomed everyone to the conference, the second stage of Niassa's strategic process for the next five year programme. The first day helpfully recapped the previous session in November 2014, chaired by Peter Timmerman of World Renew, as a way of inducting those who hadn't been at the first session.

This included looking back to 2003 and the growth of the diocese, with its vision:

To be a communion of communities transformed in Christ Jesus
focused on the three primary relationships that have underpinned the growth of the diocese in the decade 2003-2013:

Adoracaõ Relationship with God Ministério Relationship with each other Missaõ Relationship with the world


Diocese of Niassa Statistics

  2003 2013 % increase
Members 33,000 63,000 95%
Congregations 243 428 76%
Parishes 22 38 50%
Clergy 18 58 222%
Ecclesiastical Districts
3 7 133%
Mothers’ Union 945 3454 265%
(Community Mobilisers/Supporters)
2 41 195%
Equipas da Vida
(life teams/HIV/and other community service
0 325 Infinite!

Need to build on, and root this growth more deeply, and to future proof


  Admin Pastoral Theolog. Formation Community Devel.
Full time staff 12 58 Clergy 3 42 Adeptos
Specialist Volunteers 428 Church­wardens 1226 Catechists 891 880
Group members N/A 7212 20,051 Meeting weekly 3406 Equipas da Vida

Church Membership Statistics (in proposed future Episcopal Areas) contrasted with 2007 Census

Area Niassa Lurio Zambezia
Church Members 47,000 5,500 13,000
2007 Census: Anglicans 43,787 25,677* 41,373*

 *Clearly Lurio and Zambezia present huge mission opportunities

Process of Strategic Development Review:


Guiding Principles for 2016-2020

Um povo abencoadõ A blessed people
Amados papa amar   Blessed to love
Estamos juntos  We are together
Vivendo em Deus Living in God

Goals for 2016-2020

Each goal discussed in four small groups

Niassa - a communion of communities in Christ Jesus CELEBRATION, GROWTH, REVIVAL 'Beloved to Love' ORGANISATIONAL CAPACITY 'We are together' LIVING A PRACTICAL THEOLOGY 'A Blessed People' SOZO 'Living in God' Worship Ministry Mission

My attempt to chart this visually – not a Diocese of Niassa image –so I could internalise it!